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March Thoughts


This month the thought we would like to share is "I am the Master of My Mind"

We are all in control of our minds.  We need to be more aware of what we are feeding our minds.  What are we surrounding ourselves with at this time?  Do we put ourselves in places where there is loving and nurturing energy and people, or do we cling to drama and search out those opportunities? 

Finding a place of silence is so important for both our minds and our souls.  Shutting out the chatter and noise from the world.  There is so much chatter right now.  When we find that space within ourselves to allow the silence, we find the answers that we are seeking.  We are able to come from a new place of thought.  

The thing about our minds is that we are in charge of it and we can steer it in the direction we want it to.  Yes, there will be still be bumps along the road, but we will muster through them when we can align our thoughts with the good and the light. 

We encourage you in this month to try and carve out a little time for yourself to find your inner silence, so you can master your mind.  Some ways that you can do this:

1. Meditate

Turn off electronics and sit in meditation for even 5 minutes.  Try and find space between the thoughts.  If a thought comes in, thank it and release it like a balloon.  

2. Get out in nature

Leave your phone at home, or at the very least, leave it in your pocket.  Walk in nature, pay attention to the sounds, feel the warmth or the sun on your face, indulge in the sights that surround you.  

3. Gratitude Journal

Write what you are grateful for everyday.  Try for one week or one month to write things you are grateful for without repeating them.  This opens your mind and heart to all the things we really do have to be grateful for.  The smallest things that bring us joy.

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